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Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa
Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa

Posts : 68
Join date : 2011-09-08
Age : 27
Location : Toronto

Classes Empty
PostSubject: Classes   Classes I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2011 5:53 pm

These are the classes that will be available for the citizens of Aldarania.

Starter Classes:

A knight in training
Knight: A swift and strong warrior who fights for honor.
Warrior: A strong warrior who uses his skills with the sword to finish his foes.
Paladin: A holy warrior that fights for the glory of their God.
Barbarian: A massive warrior who uses his strength to defeat his enemies.

A wizard in training.
Priest: A holy mage who uses his powers to heal the sick and wounded.
Elementalist: A powerful magician who uses the power of the elements to best his foes.

A thief in training.
Thief: A sneaky warrior who relies on cunning to take down his enemies.
Assassin: A swordsman who sneaks up on his targets and swiftly takes them down in the blink of an eye.
Spy: A thief-like sneak who uses his powers of evasion to get by the strongest enemies.

An archer in training.
Archer: A skillful bowman who can hit the smallest target at the greatest distance.
Trapper: A weapons specialist who relies more on his skills with weapons, then with magic.
SkyHunter: A trapper who controls the skies!

Choose Wisely...

(PM me if you decide you want to be another class. It WILL be permanent when classes are up so hurry!)
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