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 Minecraft 1.8.jar

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2 posters
Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa
Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa

Posts : 68
Join date : 2011-09-08
Age : 27
Location : Toronto

Minecraft 1.8.jar Empty
PostSubject: Minecraft 1.8.jar   Minecraft 1.8.jar I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 23, 2011 7:21 pm

Here is a link to the minecraft.jar for 1.8 in case you updated and want to play on the server:

It is a ZIP, that means you have to UNZIP it first before you put it in your minecraft folder. Unzip it by double clicking it.

For those who do not know how to replace your minecraft.jar:
I have a tutorial for the awesome people who use macs, however if you use another platform (a.k.a. Windows, Linux...) you are out of luck because I only have a mac.
So, for the people who use macs:

1. Open a new finder window and select the tab on the left with the name of your computer (or your name, it is probably your name).
2. Open the folder called "Library" then open the folder called "Application Support"
3. From there, find a folder named "Minecraft" and then open the folder named "bin"
4. Then, drag in the minecraft.jar that you downloaded (it is called 1.8.jar) and drag the original minecraft.jar onto your desktop. Rename the 1.8.jar to minecraft.jar
5. Run Minecraft!

Have fun
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Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-10-18

Minecraft 1.8.jar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Minecraft 1.8.jar   Minecraft 1.8.jar I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 25, 2011 9:51 pm

Thank god
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Minecraft 1.8.jar
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