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 Important Stuff!

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Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa
Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa

Posts : 68
Join date : 2011-09-08
Age : 27
Location : Toronto

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PostSubject: Re: Important Stuff!   Important Stuff! I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2012 12:48 am


We are planning to do a massive overhaul on the server. This will the biggest and most pivotal update to the server yet. I know that many of you have been impatiently waiting for the former promised update that I had said would come out way sooner than I thought, and that you probably are thinking that we will not go through with it, but we will in time. You see, there are many things we are doing in this massive change:
- The main change will be the map. We are getting a new seed that will better fit our needs,
- There will be a massive body of water separating 5 continents, four of which will be for
separate races, e.g. Elves, Humans, Orcs, and Dwarves. The last one will be at the
centre of the body of water which is called "The Crossing", it is used as a peaceful
place for all races, as well as a spawn (read up on this in the Lore section).
- All of the relevant structures will be copied and pasted into the new world, so you will
be seeing new and old creations.
- To those who care about their belongings, there will be a store room near spawn for
you to put all of the items that you feel that you want to keep. Basically, you can tear
down your house and store your items, as long as there aren't too many. You will
only have one shelf of chests for your personal use, so choose your items wisely.
- There is going to be a more RP-like experience, so you will not be able to build wherever you like, you can only build in the wild, and in bought plots of land within cities.
- There will an extra world for all of the classes
- Each world will have it's own Capital. These cities are a peaceful place for those of the same profession interests to train together.
- Each Class will have a separate storyline with different quests.
- If you are of a different class, you are still allowed to visit other classes' cities.
- We will be adding quests, which will be both part of, and outside of, the storylines.

If you want to save your hard work, you have one (1) month to grab your wanted items and store them in the storehouse near spawn. If you take up more than one shelving unit, anything in an extra chest that you are not supposed to own, will be confiscated and never be seen again. We hope that this does not affect how you will see this server, and hope that you will all enjoy the update.

Heads up, this update will take QUITE a long time, we hope to have it done as soon as possible, but do not know how long that will be. Bear with us.

- Dan
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Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa
Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa

Posts : 68
Join date : 2011-09-08
Age : 27
Location : Toronto

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PostSubject: Re: Important Stuff!   Important Stuff! I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2011 12:00 am

K, so for all of those who cannot connect to the server right now, I just want you to know that it is not a problem with the server, it is a problem with host Altitude (the Host we use). They should have it fixed shortly (hopefully) so for now, just standby. Also, at the moment, if you try to connect DIRECTLY to minestatus to vote for the server, then you cannot vote for it, but you can vote if you follow the link I posted in the last post.
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Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa
Daniel Kovacs-Da Costa

Posts : 68
Join date : 2011-09-08
Age : 27
Location : Toronto

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PostSubject: Important Stuff!   Important Stuff! I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2011 5:13 pm

We are now on minestatus! Remember to vote!

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PostSubject: Re: Important Stuff!   Important Stuff! I_icon_minitime

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